Monday, March 22, 2010

Department of Transportation Bargaining Team Change

Brothers and Sisters,

Sadly, Brother Don Morby is unable to serve on the collective bargaining team for Department of Transportation. Therefore, Larry Flue will serve in that role. The two main table bargaining team members will be Sue Dineen and Larry Flue. The top four vote getters in the election for bargaining team will serve on the supplemental team. They are: Sue Dineen, Larry Flue, Stacie Leanos, and Kate Rogers.

Although the Governor and LRO are verbalizing that they are not inclined to do supplemental bargaining, we will keep the pressure on and continue to insist that supplemental bargaining will occur.

My best wishes to Brother Don Morby and my deep appreciatiom to him for his service to the membership. We all look forward to future activities with our DOT brother.

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