Thursday, March 25, 2010

Breaking News Rainier School

Brothers and Sisters,

By now you have probably heard on the news that two of our members at Rainier School are facing drug charges. According to a management source, they were found in possession of marijuana and drug paraphenalia on agency premises last night. It appears two others may also face charges. The investigation findings will likely be news as the process continues.

This could not have happened at a worse time. State employees are fighting to save state services and prevent facility closure. The parents, guardians and advocates who support Rainier School have fought long and hard to preserve the RHCs. Calls from concerned members are coming in. This news deeply affects everyone.

We must hold fast to our values. Our mission statement includes these words: "To ensure the union is a positive force in worker's lives, families and communities." We must live those words now.

These workers face serious allegations and we cannot know the whole story at this point. If the allegations are true, they will face serious consequences. True or not, the damage to them personally will take a sure and certain toll on them and their families. As state workers, it takes a toll on each one of us as well.

To the staff, clients, parents and guardians - please know that our WFSE family shares in your concern for the well being of all at Rainier School. We are dedicated to the clients we serve, the jobs we do, and the welfare of the community at large. We have done great work together to provide safe and secure residential communities for our family members and clients. The Need Remains. The Work Goes On.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could not agree more with your words. We are dedicated to providing the highest quality services to the people of this state. We need to hold our heads high knowing we are the BEST and will continue to fight to provide safe ,quality , efficient services to our residents in the RHC's.The residents and their families have entrusted us with the gift of providing quality of life for them or their loved one. I am proud of the job I do every day as are the brothers and sisters of the WFSE family Every day we do make a differnce in the lives of our residents. We will get through this and will contiue to do the GREAT work that we do.
In Solidarity julianne moore