Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Letter from AFSCME International to All WFSE Members

The following e-mail was sent to the e-activist network today by the International Union. I wanted to share it with all of you because the message is so important. Here, with a couple of minor edits, is the message:

Yesterday, the folks in Washington put forth their best effort on health care reform. America's Affordable Health Choices Act is a plan we can, and must, support. Now, we need to get this plan enacted.

Join me, your fellow AFSCME members and thousands of people around the country who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, and support this bill. Let's get this done. It can't happen soon enough.

The bill that the U.S. House of Representatives presented yesterday provides a uniquely American solution to the health care crisis. It builds on what works best in our health care system and protects middle-class Americans from an unnecessary tax increase on the health benefits they fought hard to earn. Please make a call today.

Urge your federal representative to support this bill. If you haven't already heard the details of the bill, I am glad to say that it represents much of what you have told us that you and your family need. It would offer a choice of options, you won't lose coverage if you change jobs (or lose your job) and it would prevent insurance companies from denying coverage because of a pre-existing medical condition.

The next few weeks and months will not be easy. We are up against formidable opponents who are ready to do anything to keep the status quo — and their massive profits — in the health care system. In fact, the health care industry is spending $1.4 billion to lobby against the bill. We plan on spending every minute of every day working to stop them. Join the fight. Call your representative today and ask them to support this bill:

In solidarity,

Tracey ConatyAFSCME e-Action Network

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