Tuesday, March 22, 2011

WSDOT Worker Memorial Event/National Work Zone Memorial Wall

Remarks of Carol Dotlich, WFSE/AFSCME President


WSDOT Headquarters, Olympia on March 22, 2011

Secretary Hammond, friends, families and employees of the Department of Transportation.

I’m Carol Dotlich, president of the Washington Federation of State Employees. We’re proud to represent the 2012 employees in Highway Maintenance. Our highways and freeways are safer because of them and all of the citizens of the state owe them a huge debt of gratitude. In the storms that rage around us DOT is on the job.

When they leave home for their shift, there’s no guarantee they’ll return home in one piece.

And, tragically, some of our members don’t return home – 59 since 1950.

We like all of you are saddened by the death of Department of Transportation employees, including four Federation members since 2000 alone: Sam E. Williams of Local 1290 in Lewis County, Jake Baardson of Local 378 in King County, Neal Richards of Local 1556 in Port Angeles, and, most recently, Billy Rhynalds of Local 378.

We simply can’t lose any more DOT workers. They are vital to our state. But more importantly, they are husbands and wives and dads and moms and sons and daughters. The impact on the families left behind is the most tragic outcome.

In the words of Mother Jones, we mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living.  On this both the Union and Management agree we stand ready to partner for safety everyday.

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