The legislature targeted Maple Lane School for closure in 2013. It has an outstanding program for mentally ill youthful offenders. Moving these youth to other institutions and housing them with more sophisticated and dangerous offenders is a recipe for tragedy because these youth are very vulnerable.
The arguments to save the school are valid. Taxpayers have invested millions of dollars into capital programs there. The physical plant will not be paid off until 2018. the latest forecasts show that the population of youthful offenders is increasing. The Murray study that the legislature commissioned 18 months ago said facts do not support closure of either Maple Lane or Green Hill. The family wage jobs that will be lost in an area with high unemployment makes the impact of the closure even bleaker for the community. Our youth will be the adults of our communities tomorrow. Shouldn't we be willing to spend money to insure they are healthy, responsible citizens when they live next door to us? This is a nationally recognized public service. It's a service that is being fast tracked for closure this year.
Those who provide services to our youth are standing up and fighting to save it. The photos above were taken on March 3rd when JRA rallied, lobbied, and talked with Governor Gregoire's staff.
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