Friday, March 25, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
WSDOT Worker Memorial Event/National Work Zone Memorial Wall
Remarks of Carol Dotlich, WFSE/AFSCME President
WSDOT Headquarters, Olympia on March 22, 2011
Secretary Hammond, friends, families and employees of the Department of Transportation.
I’m Carol Dotlich, president of the Washington Federation of State Employees. We’re proud to represent the 2012 employees in Highway Maintenance. Our highways and freeways are safer because of them and all of the citizens of the state owe them a huge debt of gratitude. In the storms that rage around us DOT is on the job.
When they leave home for their shift, there’s no guarantee they’ll return home in one piece.
And, tragically, some of our members don’t return home – 59 since 1950.
We like all of you are saddened by the death of Department of Transportation employees, including four Federation members since 2000 alone: Sam E. Williams of Local 1290 in Lewis County, Jake Baardson of Local 378 in King County, Neal Richards of Local 1556 in Port Angeles, and, most recently, Billy Rhynalds of Local 378.
We simply can’t lose any more DOT workers. They are vital to our state. But more importantly, they are husbands and wives and dads and moms and sons and daughters. The impact on the families left behind is the most tragic outcome.
In the words of Mother Jones, we mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living. On this both the Union and Management agree we stand ready to partner for safety everyday.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Put People First! rally on April 8 at the Capitol

Rally at the Capitol steps at noon on April 8 to demand that legislators put people first when seeking solutions to the budget crisis.
Washington state's economy has been brought to its knees over the past several years - not by working men and women, but by Wall Street bankers who created the worst economic crisis in our country since the 1930's. Many ordinary working-class people have already paid the price in lost jobs, homes, services and hope.
People are looking for real solutions. We don't need more cuts to working families. We need legislators to recognize that public servants and middle-class workers have already made deep sacrifices to help fix the economy.
The legislature gave away $3 billion in tax breaks in the past 10 years. We need legislators to close tax loopholes and protect the safety net.
On April 8th - come to Olympia and stand in solidarity to demand that legislators protect the middle class and find real solutions to the budget deficit.
We now know that well over 5000 labor and community people are ramping up for this rally. I hope to see your face in the crowd!
Buses are running from Arlington, Everett, Seattle, Tukwila, Federal Way, Tacoma, Lakewood, Spokane, Richland, Sunnyside, Yakima, Vancouver and Kelso. Seats are limited, so register today.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Standing With Wisconsin Public Service Workers

On March 2nd, union members of WFSE Local 1488, SEIU, and UAW stood with students who sponsored a rally in support of our AFSCME sisters and brothers in Wisconsin. The rain fell hard and the wind blew strongly. The weather didn't dampen the resolve of these activists. Solidarity ruled the day!
Save Maple Lane School For Our Youth

The legislature targeted Maple Lane School for closure in 2013. It has an outstanding program for mentally ill youthful offenders. Moving these youth to other institutions and housing them with more sophisticated and dangerous offenders is a recipe for tragedy because these youth are very vulnerable.
The arguments to save the school are valid. Taxpayers have invested millions of dollars into capital programs there. The physical plant will not be paid off until 2018. the latest forecasts show that the population of youthful offenders is increasing. The Murray study that the legislature commissioned 18 months ago said facts do not support closure of either Maple Lane or Green Hill. The family wage jobs that will be lost in an area with high unemployment makes the impact of the closure even bleaker for the community. Our youth will be the adults of our communities tomorrow. Shouldn't we be willing to spend money to insure they are healthy, responsible citizens when they live next door to us? This is a nationally recognized public service. It's a service that is being fast tracked for closure this year.
Those who provide services to our youth are standing up and fighting to save it. The photos above were taken on March 3rd when JRA rallied, lobbied, and talked with Governor Gregoire's staff.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Calling All Law Enforcement and Security Members
April 1st through 3rd, AFSCME Councils 28 and 75 will host a Public Safety Conference at the SeaTac Doubletree Hotel. This is always a very popular event and Council 28 will pay for 6 members to attend. Two of those slots are already taken and only 4 are left. Please contact me if you would like to attend at Council expense. Any member may request to attend. All members are welcome. This will be of particular interest to those who provide law enforcement or security functions. Some locals provide expenses for their members to attend so be sure to attend your local membership meeting and express your interest.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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