Monday, March 5, 2012

WFSE/AFSCME Members Make It Happen

Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you to those who were able to call, write or visit the legislators today. On the hill, we learned most of them are completely unaware of what Senator Zarelli's bill does to our pension plans. The Senate Republicans state their budget is a good one. It is NOT! The budget cuts the safety net and takes money from Higher Education with the deepest cuts to the community colleges. There was a lot of talk about it being a McKenna budget. We heard rumors that he was actually in the wings the night it passed.

If you were unable to participate today - tomorrow brings new opportunity. Continue the calls to your legislators. The message is simple. Support the House democratic budget and keep your hands off my pension! For those who can come to Olympia - there is a job action planned.

We will meet at 906 Columbia Street - the Olympia Field Office 3rd floor at 11 am.

Pension issues seem complex so a flyer is being developed to help explain it to our members and the legislators. That will be available in the next day or two. In the meantime, the message needs to be clear and simple. Hands Off!

To recap the day, members across the state called members of the legislature focussing on the House Ways and Means Committee members. Some members came to Olympia, distributed flyers to and talked with legislators. It is very clear that we need to keep the pressure on.

About 5:30 tonite, we joined other groups and filled the Senate gallery to standing room only. We had tape over our mouths symbolizing the lack of transparency and lack of debate over the Senate budget. When the Senate moved to change the constitution to reduce the state debt ceiling, everyone stood silently and turned backs to the Senators. Their backs were turned to us when they passed that budget in the dead of night with no public comment allowed.

The group filed silently out of the gallery and lined the walls outside the party that was given for Senator Margarita Prentiss. The legislators attending had to walk past the lines of silenced citizens with tape over their mouths to get into the room.

News crews were there and there was film of the event on the television news tonite.

Thank you to all for your good work. Warriors - Work it!

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