Wednesday, October 6, 2010

And The DSHS Furlough Saga Continues Another Day

Believe it or not, DSHS managers in various areas have been announcing the additional furlough days and telling our members it is this date and that date. Then it is changed and sometimes rescinded. What is the truth of the matter and why is it so confusing???

Our Union and DSHS Management just spent the second day in these negotiations. The Union provided a proposal at 10 am. At 4pm, management announced that they needed more time to develop their counter-proposal plan. Throughout the day, members contacted their team to announce that they were being told one thing and then another. We heard that institutions can do it and then that they cannot. This institution can do the furlough day and that institution can't. Field offices can close entirely for the day and then they can't. Members can work with supervisors for flexibility in determining the day or days but then no-the day is selected by management. On and on it goes.

The fact is there is no agreement at this point. Management said they were directing managers to rescind the October 11th furlough day. At this point, I can't say what will transpire. I can only ask that members continue to directly report what is being done in the various areas of DSHS. You may report it to this blog, send an e-mail to, or, or report to your Union Council staff so that we, at the table, can track what is being said and done while we attempt to negotiate the important protections our members require in these difficult economic times.

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