Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

As we all prepare to spend time with family and friends enjoying turkey, football, and other delights, I wanted to take a few minutes to tell each member what a gift you provide when you participate in the activities of the union. Your time, your voice, your phone calls and letters to legislators on behalf of state employees make a real difference for all the citizens of Washington state. The quality of life we all enjoy is directly attributable to the work that you do, both on duty and off duty. This Thanksgiving Day I am thankful for each and every one of you.

In solidarity,


1 comment:

Karen Mork said...

And we are thankful for the countless hours you devote to the care and feeding of this great union. Thankful for your dedication to the employees of Washington State and your commitment to making it work for all of us. You rock, Madame President!! Ü