Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DSHS Consolidation of Regional Business Services

DSHS Management has embarked on multiple consolidation efforts. The plans put forward thus far leave us scratching our heads. The information we have received to date leaves us with many unanswered questions and a great deal of alarm. When asked about the various projects, we are told Governor Gregoire directed it. In some cases, management states the true purpose is not to save money - it is to consolidate. Some members attending these meetings have remarked that it seems an element of communism has crept into DSHS. Others are concerned it is merely an attempt to make state government look incompetent and then push for contracting out.

Whatever point of view the members adopt, we lack sufficient information to bargain the impacts on our members, our clients and our services. The last meeting on this particular topic was May 19, 2011. The notes I took are below. Today, June 14th we will attempt again to gather information so that our members can provide feedback to the team. These meetings are informal at this point.

Consolidation of Regional Business Centers - May 19, 2011

Management: The focus of the project is not to save money - it is to better align us to do the job rather than to save dollars. Each business center would be responsible for support to two of the current regions. One office will be in each new region. All Business officers will be consolidated into one. The contracts in scope o the project are purchased goods and services. Client and personal service contracts are not in scope. FA5s will be responsible for coordinating. There will be high level staff in each region. There are 3 regions with 1 regional administrator in each program area (JRA, ADSA, ESA, CA, (DD and HCS). There will be one business manager in each region. Service level agreements will be signed between the business centers and the regional administrator. Management will consider allowing persons to work virtuallky from their current worksite or near their home.

Union asked how would these business centers be successful in navigating all the funding streams, audit reqwuirements, court decisions, etc.?

Management said they will ask that question.

DSHS HR Terri Beck said the determination of whether or not the persons are in the bargsaining unit is up to PERC. If the original position coming to the business cengter was in the union, it will stay and if not, it will not be in the bargaining unit. She stated Peggy Pulse is the expert.

Union objected to this and said this will have to be worked out.

Management: Every program will give up the FTE and money for the positions at the business center. Management wants to use existing staff to fill the positions. Management wants to move people in their existing classification initially but as attrition occurs they would change the job classes.

I will continue to try to post information as we receive it.


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