AFSCME Council 28 Locals around the state hosted picnics for members and their families. Each year, the picnics and fun events for members and their families get bigger and better. I was fortunate to have been invited to several. The family members, young and old, were treated to good food, raffle prizes, and dessert contests and games. One Local provided tickets for children to the IMAX theater. In another, live music was provided all day.
Missed these events? Went to a picnic but still in the mood for summer fun? The Howard Ocobock Memorial Union Camp Outs are coming up this month. There's still time to sign up!
E-Mail Tim@wfse.org or visit www.wfse.org for more information. Next camp date is September 26-27 at Camp Delany. Deadline to sign up is September 14th. See you there!
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