Thank you to all who came out in support of Local 793's rally and job action. Not only did Local 793 members come out en masse but they were joined by brothers and sisters from Eastern State Hospital Local782, by DOC brothers and sisters, Council officers and staff, and Senator Mike Carrell. King 5 news captured the action when Local 793 provided a gift box of cost saving ideas to the Western State Hospital CEO. These ideas were offered to help prevent the loss of 65 workers at Western State Hospital who provide care to mentally ill citizens of Washington State. The closed door attitude by management at Western State Hospital is symbolized by the locked door to the administrative wing where the CEO and others have offices. It was memorialized in a cartoon that tells the story of the workers there.

The rally pressure succeeded in that management now has agreed to come to the table to discuss issues raised by the membership. Again thank you one and all! Solidarity!
Hotline coverage of the rally here.
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