The Union and Management met on March 7th to informally discuss the Consolidation Of Institution Business Services. Here follows a brief recap of the discussion.
Problems exist at all the facilities. This is no surprise to anyone. While the original reason management stated they were consolidating was to provide quality customer service and have a more efficient operation with fewer staff, at this meeting they seemed puzzled by their own statement when it was read back to them.
They had also stated that they needed consistency in operations and that they felt that training and oversight wasn't enough to insure consistency. The union had asked for ongoing monthly meetings in order to deal with problems as we all knew would crop up with this new scheme. Management refused and said they wanted to meet after it had been in effect for a few months. Well, here we are four months later. Hard not to be cynical at this point since so many of the issues we raised could have been addressed as we went along saving members a great deal of long term stress.
Vacancies have plagued the operation. Some of our members moved on rather than stay and go through the process of moving to a new worksite, changing duties, and dealing with the as yet unknown outcome. The workload burden on the remaining staff has brought some members to tears. Management assured the union that they are moving through the process of filling the vacancies. Training staff takes time. The hiring and subsequent training will bring some relief.
Our members told management there are problems with the system and the coding. Some workers do not have access to the screen information needed to do their jobs. IT has also been consolidated and that puts a new wrinkle on some of the problems. The union requested training for members on "Sharepoint".
Human Resources is supposed to be handling the employee benefits retirement and new employee information. That part is not entirely operational as of yet. Our members state that the PDFs they were given do not accurately reflect what they are doing.
Our members asked for and were told they would receive a document that spells out which staff are responsible for what duties. What is the Human Resources function and what is Timekeeping and Attendance responsibility? Right now, our members are just doing whatever they are told and sometimes they receive conflicting instructions from different parts of the management structure. Sometimes their own supervisors are bypassed in communication. Management agreed that it is not working the way it should in the field and agreed to work on the issue with Glen Christopherson, Wendy Long, and Sue Thomas.
Stacie Scott, speaking for management, stated she feels good about what is happening. She said they have had successes. Management pointed out that 5 positions filled were existing staff that received promotions. A position was moved from Rainier to Western State Hospital to do time and attendance because there was a need for additional staff. Part of the work time of the local funds worker will also do time and attendance.
The union requested copies of the service level agreements and the updated PDFs.
Management said they were still working on drafts of the service level agreements and want to meet with the CEOs of the facilities to get them to sign the agreements. (Service level agreements are how the institutions are billed by this new consolidated entity for the work that they do. They are no longer part of the institutions budget but act like a contractor.) Management agreed to provide any updated PDFs that they have.
The union asked for an e-mail or letter to go out to staff telling them how to get the help they need when they have questions about their benefits. Management said they would coordinate that with Human Resources. Management reiterated that the timekeepers were not expected to continue to carry that body of work.
Amy Achilles said, "The overall theme is communication and clarity. If we had that, the problems we face today wouldn’t exist."
The Union and Management discussed the problems arising from the use of the Purchase Card. CMO also is using a Purchase Card that they use and that has compounded the problems. The CIBS staff need the logbooks in order to work effectively. Management said they will make sure the logbooks needed related to the Purchase cards are provided to the staff who need them.
Amy Achilles, speaking for the union, told management that our members shouldn’t be held responsible for problems that exist in this system that are not worked out at this time. She restated our position that management should reconsider the consolidation. She expressed appreciation for the hiring effort that is ongoing.
Management said the problems identified with HRMS can be fixed by the next payroll period. They said the Sharepoint training can occur this month.
Management recognized that there will be ongoing issues.
The union asked for a document describing the separation of duties between home team and CIBS team. Management agreed.
The Union asked for relief at SCC where the staff have not had adequate training and proper access to the programs needed to function in the position. The workload burden is extreme. There was no concrete response to that request.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Save Pension Benefits
Brothers and Sisters,
As we fight to save pension benefits, here's some good information from the Public Employees for Pension Responsibility (PEPR). Our own Matt Zuvich chairs PEPR.
Public Employees Oppose ESB 6378 It is Bad Policy
ESB 6378:
• Closes Plan 2 to any new members
• Skips the state’s payment towards the Plans 1 Unfunded Liabilities
• Will cost local Government up to $81 million over 25 years
• Eliminates the early retirement options for new hires who work at least 30 years, per fiscal note.
Skips the state’s 2011-13 payment towards the Plans 1 Unfunded Liabilities:
• One of the principal reasons the long closed Plans 1 (TRS and PERS) have unfunded liabilities is due to past legislature’s not making their payments.
• The current liability for these two plans is about $4.3 billion, per 6387 fiscal note.
• Missing pension payments could cause further reduction of the state’s credit rating due to increasing the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL).
• Suspending this payment for the short-term savings results in employers experiencing significant long-term costs will be fully realized by employers. It increases pay-go* risk and the chance that the total system funded status will drop below 60 percent, per 6387 fiscal note.
Closes Plan 2 to new membership:
• Currently newly hired public employees can choose between a more secure, safe fully defined benefit plan (Plan 2) or one that is portable and provides the opportunity to receive returns on your investments (Plan 3) This bill removes choice.
• The cost for Plan 2 is shared equally between the employer and the employee.
• The State Actuary notes that closing Plan 2 to new members will make that plan more costly to the employer due to shifting the cost risk and because of the impact on the investment practices at the State Investment Board.
Eliminates the early retirement options for new hires who work at least 30 years:
• At a modest cost, the state has enacted two distinct early retirement options for career service employees who work at least 30 years in public employment:
o A reduction of 3% for each year of age below normal retirement age of 65 for those who are at least age 55 and have 30 years of service.
o A lower reduction for each year of age such that those age 62 with 30 years of service may retire at their normal retirement benefit level with no penalty.
o This latter benefit was granted in lieu of the eliminated gain sharing benefit in 2007. It has been the subject of litigation which is pending court action.
• The Actuarial Fiscal Note states that, according to current law, if the courts, through a final court action, reinstate gain-sharing benefits, the 2008 Early Retirement Factors and plan choice for TRS and SERS are removed prospectively by operation of law. Should this occur, then the expected net savings attributed to this bill would become a cost.
• • Continue to call your legislators at 1-800-562-6000 to urge them to reject the bad Senate Republican budget (ESB 5967) and the bad Zarelli pension bill (SB 6378) because they would gamble away your pension benefits.
As we fight to save pension benefits, here's some good information from the Public Employees for Pension Responsibility (PEPR). Our own Matt Zuvich chairs PEPR.
Public Employees Oppose ESB 6378 It is Bad Policy
ESB 6378:
• Closes Plan 2 to any new members
• Skips the state’s payment towards the Plans 1 Unfunded Liabilities
• Will cost local Government up to $81 million over 25 years
• Eliminates the early retirement options for new hires who work at least 30 years, per fiscal note.
Skips the state’s 2011-13 payment towards the Plans 1 Unfunded Liabilities:
• One of the principal reasons the long closed Plans 1 (TRS and PERS) have unfunded liabilities is due to past legislature’s not making their payments.
• The current liability for these two plans is about $4.3 billion, per 6387 fiscal note.
• Missing pension payments could cause further reduction of the state’s credit rating due to increasing the Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL).
• Suspending this payment for the short-term savings results in employers experiencing significant long-term costs will be fully realized by employers. It increases pay-go* risk and the chance that the total system funded status will drop below 60 percent, per 6387 fiscal note.
Closes Plan 2 to new membership:
• Currently newly hired public employees can choose between a more secure, safe fully defined benefit plan (Plan 2) or one that is portable and provides the opportunity to receive returns on your investments (Plan 3) This bill removes choice.
• The cost for Plan 2 is shared equally between the employer and the employee.
• The State Actuary notes that closing Plan 2 to new members will make that plan more costly to the employer due to shifting the cost risk and because of the impact on the investment practices at the State Investment Board.
Eliminates the early retirement options for new hires who work at least 30 years:
• At a modest cost, the state has enacted two distinct early retirement options for career service employees who work at least 30 years in public employment:
o A reduction of 3% for each year of age below normal retirement age of 65 for those who are at least age 55 and have 30 years of service.
o A lower reduction for each year of age such that those age 62 with 30 years of service may retire at their normal retirement benefit level with no penalty.
o This latter benefit was granted in lieu of the eliminated gain sharing benefit in 2007. It has been the subject of litigation which is pending court action.
• The Actuarial Fiscal Note states that, according to current law, if the courts, through a final court action, reinstate gain-sharing benefits, the 2008 Early Retirement Factors and plan choice for TRS and SERS are removed prospectively by operation of law. Should this occur, then the expected net savings attributed to this bill would become a cost.
• • Continue to call your legislators at 1-800-562-6000 to urge them to reject the bad Senate Republican budget (ESB 5967) and the bad Zarelli pension bill (SB 6378) because they would gamble away your pension benefits.
Monday, March 5, 2012
WFSE/AFSCME Members Make It Happen
Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you to those who were able to call, write or visit the legislators today. On the hill, we learned most of them are completely unaware of what Senator Zarelli's bill does to our pension plans. The Senate Republicans state their budget is a good one. It is NOT! The budget cuts the safety net and takes money from Higher Education with the deepest cuts to the community colleges. There was a lot of talk about it being a McKenna budget. We heard rumors that he was actually in the wings the night it passed.
If you were unable to participate today - tomorrow brings new opportunity. Continue the calls to your legislators. The message is simple. Support the House democratic budget and keep your hands off my pension! For those who can come to Olympia - there is a job action planned.
We will meet at 906 Columbia Street - the Olympia Field Office 3rd floor at 11 am.
Pension issues seem complex so a flyer is being developed to help explain it to our members and the legislators. That will be available in the next day or two. In the meantime, the message needs to be clear and simple. Hands Off!
To recap the day, members across the state called members of the legislature focussing on the House Ways and Means Committee members. Some members came to Olympia, distributed flyers to and talked with legislators. It is very clear that we need to keep the pressure on.
About 5:30 tonite, we joined other groups and filled the Senate gallery to standing room only. We had tape over our mouths symbolizing the lack of transparency and lack of debate over the Senate budget. When the Senate moved to change the constitution to reduce the state debt ceiling, everyone stood silently and turned backs to the Senators. Their backs were turned to us when they passed that budget in the dead of night with no public comment allowed.
The group filed silently out of the gallery and lined the walls outside the party that was given for Senator Margarita Prentiss. The legislators attending had to walk past the lines of silenced citizens with tape over their mouths to get into the room.
News crews were there and there was film of the event on the television news tonite.
Thank you to all for your good work. Warriors - Work it!
Thank you to those who were able to call, write or visit the legislators today. On the hill, we learned most of them are completely unaware of what Senator Zarelli's bill does to our pension plans. The Senate Republicans state their budget is a good one. It is NOT! The budget cuts the safety net and takes money from Higher Education with the deepest cuts to the community colleges. There was a lot of talk about it being a McKenna budget. We heard rumors that he was actually in the wings the night it passed.
If you were unable to participate today - tomorrow brings new opportunity. Continue the calls to your legislators. The message is simple. Support the House democratic budget and keep your hands off my pension! For those who can come to Olympia - there is a job action planned.
We will meet at 906 Columbia Street - the Olympia Field Office 3rd floor at 11 am.
Pension issues seem complex so a flyer is being developed to help explain it to our members and the legislators. That will be available in the next day or two. In the meantime, the message needs to be clear and simple. Hands Off!
To recap the day, members across the state called members of the legislature focussing on the House Ways and Means Committee members. Some members came to Olympia, distributed flyers to and talked with legislators. It is very clear that we need to keep the pressure on.
About 5:30 tonite, we joined other groups and filled the Senate gallery to standing room only. We had tape over our mouths symbolizing the lack of transparency and lack of debate over the Senate budget. When the Senate moved to change the constitution to reduce the state debt ceiling, everyone stood silently and turned backs to the Senators. Their backs were turned to us when they passed that budget in the dead of night with no public comment allowed.
The group filed silently out of the gallery and lined the walls outside the party that was given for Senator Margarita Prentiss. The legislators attending had to walk past the lines of silenced citizens with tape over their mouths to get into the room.
News crews were there and there was film of the event on the television news tonite.
Thank you to all for your good work. Warriors - Work it!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
WFSE Warriors Mobilize

WFSE Warriors are mobilizing for action in the wake of the Senate budget debacle. If you signed up to be a warrior, your team will soon be contacting you. Please respond to their request. If they are unable to contact you, please reach out to them or contact your Council Representative. The time for action is NOW!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Senate Budget Passed In The Dark By The Forces Of Dark
Brothers and Sisters,
Last night I watched in horror as the Senate passed their version of the budget in the dark of the night with no public hearings. The Republican Senators were joined by Democratic Senators Tom, Kastama, and Sheldon in a budgetary coup. The Senate Democrats could not amend it and could not stop the trainwreck that unfolded before our eyes.
Our pension plans are under attack. After the budget passed in the dead of night, another bill was put forward. That bill closes the PERS 2 plan. It passed too. The PERS 2 fund is stable and allows the state to invest funds over the long term which brings cash into the fund. PERS 2 provides a defined benefit. We know how much money we will receive at retirement. It is guaranteed. The budget forces all new state employees into PERS 3 - the plan that provides a 1% defined benefit and a 1% investing amount. PERS 3 requires members to be investment savvy. Since the funds are mobile and the member can move those funds, the state must maintain a liquidity in PERS 3 that doesn't allow for the same long term investment strategy that has made PERS 2 so successful. The result threatens the long term stability of the fund.
As I watched, Senator Lisa Brown and Senator Margarita Prentiss pleaded with the Senate to not pass this bill. Senator Brown held up the state actuary report and asked if they had even read the report. She said the state actuary report warned of the adverse financial consequences to the state if this idea went forward. It didn't register a blink. In addition, the state will skip the payment into the LEOFF retirement account.
It was a shameful event. There were no public hearings, no opportunity to discuss and debate the budget. It harms the elderly, the poor, the disabled, the mentally ill, our children and the safety net our communities depend upon. It is a continued attack on public sector workers who provide the services our citizens depend upon.
Having reduced our pay, increased our workload to the point where people can barely function, reduced the number of people who provide services at a time when the demand for service is high, they now come for our pension plans.
Brothers and Sisters - we must not let it happen.
Many of you have called me wanting to take on the turncoat democratic senators. The budget is out of the Senate now. Take them on if you like. I believe there is a better time to deal with them and that time is coming.
What we must do right now is join together and bolster those House Representatives who will be working on the final budget. We must make sure they understand the choices they will make. No one knows state services as well as you do. You can make a difference because you know the difference you make. Please contact these key legislators now.
The hotline number is 1-800-562-6000. The e-mail addresses are listed below. Use your personal phone or your personal computer on non-work time.
The House Ways and Means Committee is chaired by Representative Hunter of the 48th District The Vice Chairs are Representative Darnielle of the 27th District and Representative Hasegawa of the 11th District The other members are Representatives: Alexander - 20th District, Bailey - 10th District, Dammeier - 25th District, Orcutt - 18th District, Carlyle - 36th District, Chandler - 15th district, Cody- 34th District, Dickerson - 36th District, Haigh - 35th District, Haler - 8th District, Hinkle - 13th District, Hudgins - 11th District, Hunt - 22nd District, Kagi - 32nd District, Kenney - 46th district, Ormsby - 3rd District, Parker - 6th District, Pettigrew - 37th District, Ross - 14th District, Schmick - 9th District, Seaquist - 26th District, Springer - 45th District, Sullivan - 47th District, Wilcox - 2nd District
Last night I watched in horror as the Senate passed their version of the budget in the dark of the night with no public hearings. The Republican Senators were joined by Democratic Senators Tom, Kastama, and Sheldon in a budgetary coup. The Senate Democrats could not amend it and could not stop the trainwreck that unfolded before our eyes.
Our pension plans are under attack. After the budget passed in the dead of night, another bill was put forward. That bill closes the PERS 2 plan. It passed too. The PERS 2 fund is stable and allows the state to invest funds over the long term which brings cash into the fund. PERS 2 provides a defined benefit. We know how much money we will receive at retirement. It is guaranteed. The budget forces all new state employees into PERS 3 - the plan that provides a 1% defined benefit and a 1% investing amount. PERS 3 requires members to be investment savvy. Since the funds are mobile and the member can move those funds, the state must maintain a liquidity in PERS 3 that doesn't allow for the same long term investment strategy that has made PERS 2 so successful. The result threatens the long term stability of the fund.
As I watched, Senator Lisa Brown and Senator Margarita Prentiss pleaded with the Senate to not pass this bill. Senator Brown held up the state actuary report and asked if they had even read the report. She said the state actuary report warned of the adverse financial consequences to the state if this idea went forward. It didn't register a blink. In addition, the state will skip the payment into the LEOFF retirement account.
It was a shameful event. There were no public hearings, no opportunity to discuss and debate the budget. It harms the elderly, the poor, the disabled, the mentally ill, our children and the safety net our communities depend upon. It is a continued attack on public sector workers who provide the services our citizens depend upon.
Having reduced our pay, increased our workload to the point where people can barely function, reduced the number of people who provide services at a time when the demand for service is high, they now come for our pension plans.
Brothers and Sisters - we must not let it happen.
Many of you have called me wanting to take on the turncoat democratic senators. The budget is out of the Senate now. Take them on if you like. I believe there is a better time to deal with them and that time is coming.
What we must do right now is join together and bolster those House Representatives who will be working on the final budget. We must make sure they understand the choices they will make. No one knows state services as well as you do. You can make a difference because you know the difference you make. Please contact these key legislators now.
The hotline number is 1-800-562-6000. The e-mail addresses are listed below. Use your personal phone or your personal computer on non-work time.
The House Ways and Means Committee is chaired by Representative Hunter of the 48th District The Vice Chairs are Representative Darnielle of the 27th District and Representative Hasegawa of the 11th District The other members are Representatives: Alexander - 20th District, Bailey - 10th District, Dammeier - 25th District, Orcutt - 18th District, Carlyle - 36th District, Chandler - 15th district, Cody- 34th District, Dickerson - 36th District, Haigh - 35th District, Haler - 8th District, Hinkle - 13th District, Hudgins - 11th District, Hunt - 22nd District, Kagi - 32nd District, Kenney - 46th district, Ormsby - 3rd District, Parker - 6th District, Pettigrew - 37th District, Ross - 14th District, Schmick - 9th District, Seaquist - 26th District, Springer - 45th District, Sullivan - 47th District, Wilcox - 2nd District
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