Brothers and Sisters,
By now you have probably heard on the news that two of our members at Rainier School are facing drug charges. According to a management source, they were found in possession of marijuana and drug paraphenalia on agency premises last night. It appears two others may also face charges. The investigation findings will likely be news as the process continues.
This could not have happened at a worse time. State employees are fighting to save state services and prevent facility closure. The parents, guardians and advocates who support Rainier School have fought long and hard to preserve the RHCs. Calls from concerned members are coming in. This news deeply affects everyone.
We must hold fast to our values. Our mission statement includes these words: "To ensure the union is a positive force in worker's lives, families and communities." We must live those words now.
These workers face serious allegations and we cannot know the whole story at this point. If the allegations are true, they will face serious consequences. True or not, the damage to them personally will take a sure and certain toll on them and their families. As state workers, it takes a toll on each one of us as well.
To the staff, clients, parents and guardians - please know that our WFSE family shares in your concern for the well being of all at Rainier School. We are dedicated to the clients we serve, the jobs we do, and the welfare of the community at large. We have done great work together to provide safe and secure residential communities for our family members and clients. The Need Remains. The Work Goes On.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Last Days To Make A Difference in Your Paycheck
Thanks to Dean Nelson of Local 793. His cartoon sums up what we have seen some legislators try to do to balance the state budget on our backs. The reconciliation phase is going on now. Senators and Representatives are determining the final budget. Your hotlince calls at 1-800-562-6000 are needed now to prevent your healthcare costs from eating up your purchasing power. Feel like you've called until your ear looks like a cauliflower? Well, do it again! It's working. The volume of calls and visits to the capitol are the reason they haven't reached final agreement. We have legislators holding out to assure adequate funding for your healthcare benefits. They are not the majority and they need the support that the hotline calls provide. We have made so much noise that other legislators are openly complaining about our success. Please don't let it get quiet now. We are in the closing days. We must be even louder if we are to succeed. MAKE THE CALL - 1-800-562-6000 and tell them to fund state employee healthcare. We need 65 million dollars or we face serious healthcare cost increases. Go Green Machine!
Department of Transportation Bargaining Team Change
Brothers and Sisters,
Sadly, Brother Don Morby is unable to serve on the collective bargaining team for Department of Transportation. Therefore, Larry Flue will serve in that role. The two main table bargaining team members will be Sue Dineen and Larry Flue. The top four vote getters in the election for bargaining team will serve on the supplemental team. They are: Sue Dineen, Larry Flue, Stacie Leanos, and Kate Rogers.
Although the Governor and LRO are verbalizing that they are not inclined to do supplemental bargaining, we will keep the pressure on and continue to insist that supplemental bargaining will occur.
My best wishes to Brother Don Morby and my deep appreciatiom to him for his service to the membership. We all look forward to future activities with our DOT brother.
Sadly, Brother Don Morby is unable to serve on the collective bargaining team for Department of Transportation. Therefore, Larry Flue will serve in that role. The two main table bargaining team members will be Sue Dineen and Larry Flue. The top four vote getters in the election for bargaining team will serve on the supplemental team. They are: Sue Dineen, Larry Flue, Stacie Leanos, and Kate Rogers.
Although the Governor and LRO are verbalizing that they are not inclined to do supplemental bargaining, we will keep the pressure on and continue to insist that supplemental bargaining will occur.
My best wishes to Brother Don Morby and my deep appreciatiom to him for his service to the membership. We all look forward to future activities with our DOT brother.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day 5 and Counting - The Fight For Healthcare

Today, our members focussed on the campaign to fund our healthcare benefits. State employees and staff raised a MASH style field hospital to demonstrate the need to fund our healthcare plans. They filled one side of the House gallery with green shirts to let legislators know that this is a priority issue for us. Members took flyers and candy to legislators encouraging them to raise revenue. It was a fun and productive day. Thanks to the members, some of whom travelled from Seattle, Yakima, and Tacoma to be here for this important day.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Help Wanted
Matt Zuvich, our lobbyist, wanted you to receive the following information.
Greetings to all!
If folks can take a minute, some e-mails and hot line calls would really do a lot of good over the next couple of days. If you see a legislator that is your home district on the list below please communicate with them and thank them for their vote on revenue. All the legislators named took this difficult vote despite what may be their natural inclinations. We need to get as many constituent communications as we can muster by Sunday, thanking them for their yes vote on revenue in the house. You know big business is telling them not to vote for revenue, so we need to make sure that they hear the other side. A vote on revenue is one of the ways legislators are able to say NO to the closure of RHCs and other vital institutions like Maple Lane School and state mental health hospitals.
Here are the names:
Rolfes (The speaker made a point to note that this was a HARD vote for Christine! Double Kudos)
Sample Message: "Thank you for your courageous vote for revenue. We recognize that by making that vote you are protecting many who can't protect themselves."
Hotline calls (800.562.6002) or e mails will work. Emphasis is on communication from within the district, so it is important that if you know someone not on this mailing who lives in the above named districts, please ask them to take the time to send some communication.
Greetings to all!
If folks can take a minute, some e-mails and hot line calls would really do a lot of good over the next couple of days. If you see a legislator that is your home district on the list below please communicate with them and thank them for their vote on revenue. All the legislators named took this difficult vote despite what may be their natural inclinations. We need to get as many constituent communications as we can muster by Sunday, thanking them for their yes vote on revenue in the house. You know big business is telling them not to vote for revenue, so we need to make sure that they hear the other side. A vote on revenue is one of the ways legislators are able to say NO to the closure of RHCs and other vital institutions like Maple Lane School and state mental health hospitals.
Here are the names:
Rolfes (The speaker made a point to note that this was a HARD vote for Christine! Double Kudos)
Sample Message: "Thank you for your courageous vote for revenue. We recognize that by making that vote you are protecting many who can't protect themselves."
Hotline calls (800.562.6002) or e mails will work. Emphasis is on communication from within the district, so it is important that if you know someone not on this mailing who lives in the above named districts, please ask them to take the time to send some communication.
Six Days And Counting - ACT NOW
Two days of sign waving at the Capitol and member actions across the state - good job! Let's keep it rolling. The sign wavers received a lot of positive feedback from drivers. There was one no tax increase decorated car and a few thumbs down. KIRO news interviewed me at sign waving yesterday. They took pictures and film but if it was on the news, I missed it.
Tomorrow's event at the Capitol is important. All the legislators have been invited to talk with members about how important the healthcare issue is and why. Members will be able to discuss all the other issues that concern them as well. Legislators will come as they are able depending on meetings and other business so we need members to come as often as possible and stay as long as they can. We will set up a MASH tent area featuring healthcare so it will be easy to spot. Please come - you can't afford the future if we can't turn it around in these last days.
If you cannot come now - please make the calls to 1-800-562-6002. Let your voice be heard!
Tomorrow's event at the Capitol is important. All the legislators have been invited to talk with members about how important the healthcare issue is and why. Members will be able to discuss all the other issues that concern them as well. Legislators will come as they are able depending on meetings and other business so we need members to come as often as possible and stay as long as they can. We will set up a MASH tent area featuring healthcare so it will be easy to spot. Please come - you can't afford the future if we can't turn it around in these last days.
If you cannot come now - please make the calls to 1-800-562-6002. Let your voice be heard!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Save Pine Lodge Correctional Facility
Pine Lodge Corrections Center for Women Call to Action!!!!
As we enter into a special session, we must pressure the decision makers to make the right decision. We need you to call members of the fiscal committees and tell them to keep Pine Lodge open. Here is the message!
Eastern Washington is apart of Washington! We want the same opportunities for citizens in Eastern Washington as in Western Washington. We want fair access to family members who are incarcerated. We want the opportunity for them to benefit from maintaining family relationships. We want children of confined mothers to benefit from developing emotional ties. We want the opportunity to break the cycle of criminal offenses. Keep families together. Give children a chance and provide optimal opportunities for change.
CALL THEM AND LET THEM KNOW. 1-800-562-6002.
Submitted by Ton Johnson
As we enter into a special session, we must pressure the decision makers to make the right decision. We need you to call members of the fiscal committees and tell them to keep Pine Lodge open. Here is the message!
Eastern Washington is apart of Washington! We want the same opportunities for citizens in Eastern Washington as in Western Washington. We want fair access to family members who are incarcerated. We want the opportunity for them to benefit from maintaining family relationships. We want children of confined mothers to benefit from developing emotional ties. We want the opportunity to break the cycle of criminal offenses. Keep families together. Give children a chance and provide optimal opportunities for change.
CALL THEM AND LET THEM KNOW. 1-800-562-6002.
Submitted by Ton Johnson
Seven Days And Counting - ACT NOW
Brothers and Sisters,
We have 6 days left to act. The legislature is even now making decisions about closures, lay offs, program cut backs, furloughs, and our healthcare costs. I know you grow weary - all people who fight the good fight do. Battles are won in the closing days of engagements. These are those days. We need every member who can to participate in events in support of our jobs, our healthcare, and the programs that service the people of Washington state. Any member who does not take the time this week to call the hotline, speak to their legislators, write an e-mail, or join in job actions is gambling their own future and the future of families everywhere.
These are the last days of this battle. DO NOT FALL ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH. It will be a trainwreck.
Think you have no time to spend? Imagine the time we'll all find when faced with unemployment. Think your seniority will protect you from this? 20 year members have been laid off as job classes are eliminated altogether. Think someone else will fight your battle? Those who have been fighting all along for you are looking to see where you are.
Many members have spent countless hours driving long distances and using their own time to get this job done. Many others have participated in every way they can find to protect state employees and the services to the public. To those who have sacrificed so much - we owe a deep debt of gratitude. It will be paid in full when every member and represented individual makes the hotline call (1-800-562-6002), or join in an event to support the effort.
They can't roll over us when we stand together - GREEN MACHINE!
We have 6 days left to act. The legislature is even now making decisions about closures, lay offs, program cut backs, furloughs, and our healthcare costs. I know you grow weary - all people who fight the good fight do. Battles are won in the closing days of engagements. These are those days. We need every member who can to participate in events in support of our jobs, our healthcare, and the programs that service the people of Washington state. Any member who does not take the time this week to call the hotline, speak to their legislators, write an e-mail, or join in job actions is gambling their own future and the future of families everywhere.
These are the last days of this battle. DO NOT FALL ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH. It will be a trainwreck.
Think you have no time to spend? Imagine the time we'll all find when faced with unemployment. Think your seniority will protect you from this? 20 year members have been laid off as job classes are eliminated altogether. Think someone else will fight your battle? Those who have been fighting all along for you are looking to see where you are.
Many members have spent countless hours driving long distances and using their own time to get this job done. Many others have participated in every way they can find to protect state employees and the services to the public. To those who have sacrificed so much - we owe a deep debt of gratitude. It will be paid in full when every member and represented individual makes the hotline call (1-800-562-6002), or join in an event to support the effort.
They can't roll over us when we stand together - GREEN MACHINE!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Dire Straits in Washington State - Act Now
Brothers and Sisters,
We are being pushed hard in the direction of wage reductions, increased cost for healthcare, and job loss. The legislature will go into special session on Monday and our financial future hangs with the decisions they make.
At this point the Governor's budget underfunds our healthcare benefits and the Senate budget is even worse. We asked for 80 million. The House budget provides 65 million which keeps us even if further inflation doesn't undermine it. The result of the underfunding could mean deductibles of $3000 a year. Our members cannot withstand that kind of assault. We know that the increased costs are already causing members to stay away from office visits and stop taking certain prescribed medications.
What happens now is negotiation between the Governor's office, the House, and the Senate. With both the Governor and the Senate budgets setting the funding level so low, there will be intense pressure on House members who return on Tuesday to reduce the funding in their budget. We have had the benefit of a solid group of House members who stand up for state employees and their families. They know it was wrong for the state to divert the dollars from our healthcare plans risking our negotiated benefits.
The Senate returns Monday. The House returns Tuesday. The lunchbox issues on the table are furloughs for state employees (11 days), out of reach healthcare premiums and deductibles, closures of facilities in DOC, DD, JRA and other program cuts.
We are in dire straits. The legislature closed its regular session with the music from "Titanic". The legislature will return and try to pass a budget in one week.
We have had to play defense all session. The game isn't over yet. The good news is that the unprecedented job actions, lobby efforts, phone calls, and e-mails have made a difference. If members had not engaged with such passion and energy, that list of bad proposals would have been a fete accompli. We have refused to go quietly into the financial morass planned for us. We have fought back every day in every way we know how. These actions are having a serious impact.
Yesterday, a legislative aide ran up to the Executive Director at the Capitol and demanded to know what is going on and why are state employees making these panicked calls. The answer is simple:
WE'RE MAD AS HELL AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT! We will stand up! We will fight back! We will remember! We will do something about it both NOW and LATER!
The battle is in the Senate on Monday. Will you be there? If you can come - do it! We need a solid front on Monday. If you can't - then fight with us by calling the hotline at 1-800-562-6002. We will fight to the bitter end to save our jobs, to save our wages and to save our healthcare! Green Machine - show them what we've got!
We are being pushed hard in the direction of wage reductions, increased cost for healthcare, and job loss. The legislature will go into special session on Monday and our financial future hangs with the decisions they make.
At this point the Governor's budget underfunds our healthcare benefits and the Senate budget is even worse. We asked for 80 million. The House budget provides 65 million which keeps us even if further inflation doesn't undermine it. The result of the underfunding could mean deductibles of $3000 a year. Our members cannot withstand that kind of assault. We know that the increased costs are already causing members to stay away from office visits and stop taking certain prescribed medications.
What happens now is negotiation between the Governor's office, the House, and the Senate. With both the Governor and the Senate budgets setting the funding level so low, there will be intense pressure on House members who return on Tuesday to reduce the funding in their budget. We have had the benefit of a solid group of House members who stand up for state employees and their families. They know it was wrong for the state to divert the dollars from our healthcare plans risking our negotiated benefits.
The Senate returns Monday. The House returns Tuesday. The lunchbox issues on the table are furloughs for state employees (11 days), out of reach healthcare premiums and deductibles, closures of facilities in DOC, DD, JRA and other program cuts.
We are in dire straits. The legislature closed its regular session with the music from "Titanic". The legislature will return and try to pass a budget in one week.
We have had to play defense all session. The game isn't over yet. The good news is that the unprecedented job actions, lobby efforts, phone calls, and e-mails have made a difference. If members had not engaged with such passion and energy, that list of bad proposals would have been a fete accompli. We have refused to go quietly into the financial morass planned for us. We have fought back every day in every way we know how. These actions are having a serious impact.
Yesterday, a legislative aide ran up to the Executive Director at the Capitol and demanded to know what is going on and why are state employees making these panicked calls. The answer is simple:
WE'RE MAD AS HELL AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT! We will stand up! We will fight back! We will remember! We will do something about it both NOW and LATER!
The battle is in the Senate on Monday. Will you be there? If you can come - do it! We need a solid front on Monday. If you can't - then fight with us by calling the hotline at 1-800-562-6002. We will fight to the bitter end to save our jobs, to save our wages and to save our healthcare! Green Machine - show them what we've got!
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