Join thousands of other public employees at noon on Monday, February 15, on the Capitol steps in Olympia to rally the legislature for revenue to protect our future.
Cuts to safety net programs are unjust. Safety net programs have already been cut to the bone. We're urging legislators to support raising new revenue and closing some of the $14.8 billion tax loopholes to help save our safety net.
We must show legislators how much is at stake if huge proposed cuts go through. Anti-state employee forces will also be rallying that day, so we must be there to counter their wrong-headed message.
RSVP here - REGISTER today:Send us the letter below to tell us your plans for the day. When you RSVP, we'll arrange for your lunch and make appointments for you to meet with your legislators.
Here's what you can do:
- Attend the rally at noon on Monday, February 15 - President's Day holiday.
- Schedule to meet with your legislators while you're at the Capitol.
- Can't attend the rally? Call the legislative hotline at 800-562-6000 on February 15th and leave them a message urging them to support revenue options that include closing tax loopholes.
But if you can't make the briefing, you can join us at the rally.
Green it up! Wear your green AFSCME t-shirt. Don't have one? Pick one up at the AM briefing.
- 9 AM - Briefing at the Natural Resources Building Cafeteria.
- 9:30 to Noon - Opportunity for appointments with your legislators.
- Noon Rally - Capitol steps.
- 1:30 - Opportunity for afternoon appointments with legislators.